I’m tired of sick relationships. What do I do?

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A healthy relationship can only happen when the two people respect each other and also when each one respects and takes care of himself so that he is healthy and able to help the other. Communication is a necessary component in order to be open to the other and to express both positive and negative emotions, so that there are no unanswered questions and the relationship thrives.

So, what can we do?

1. Communicate.

Often when a problem arises, we remain silent and we don’t communicate our dissatisfaction. As a result the other person thinks that we accept their behavior. And if they repeat it and we decide to express our complaint they will not understand why. And such a situation will only lead to a dead end…

2. Listen to each other.

Take time and try to understand each other’s point of view. Try to have empathy, to “get into the other’s shoes”. And if we do not understand something we can ask….. in other words, clarify any situation and leave no unanswered questions.

3. Check on our relationship from time to time.

We don’t mean to exaggerate and do nothing else, but a check every now and then may be needed. What do we mean? Let’s ask our partner if things are going well between us or if there is something that is bothering him and he would like to share with us. Encourage him to do the same. This will help us see what stages our relationship is going through and what the results are …

4. Solve problems in a timely manner.

I know that many of us avoid solving problems on the spot because we are afraid of the consequences and do not want to make things worse. But sometimes it is good to explain our behavior here and now and not leave “gaps” for the future. Other times it is better to wait until the anger goes away and both sides have calmed down… but to get back to the problem. How do we do that? With composure.

5. Let’s keep a balanced lifestyle.

It’s true, a new love takes us over and makes us focus on it… as a result, we consume all our time with it. Mistake! This can detune us and alienate us from both our friends and our families. If our life ceases to be balanced, then neither will we and this will damage our relationship.

6. Let’s allow our relationship to grow and change!

We all change over time. It would be good to choose to change with our partner and not without him… In other words, we can keep up or move away and stick to the past. It would be better to be open and think of ways that will help our development… For example, let’s choose a hobby together and be supportive of each other. This way we will escape from the monotony and we will have something in common that will offer us joy!

In conclusion, let’s not be critical and ready to attack when there are tensions … we will only lose, both we and our relationship. Let’s see every problem we face as a good opportunity to get to know each other better and work together for a common goal… the prosperity and longevity of our relationship!
